Friday, November 28, 2008

no turkeys in korea

Dear readers.

Well unexpected news has provided the impetus for my early departure from Korea. As such I have one week left to spend in Cheongju.

Following the finalization of my flight early this week, time has slowed dramatically from mind-numbing roar of the last four months. I am so excited to be home! The anticipation is dually wonderful and terrible, and courses through me as I eagerly await the glorious MONDAY and count down the hours, minutes, and seconds remaining.
This Thursday was Thanksgiving, which I did not truly celebrate. I hung out in my apartment in the afternoon and worked during the evening. I cannot say I had a exceptionally good meal for lunch or dinner, however I did make some chocolate thumbprint cookies for my coworkers. Regardless of the lack of external celebration, I spent the day mindful of the wonderful people in my life. I really am quite lucky; I have wonderful parents that provide unconditional support and a beautiful sister/best friend that fills my life with love and joy. My extended family has maintained a constant affectionate presence throughout all of my endeavors, for which I am extremely grateful . In addition to a fantastic family, I feel so fortunate to possess a strong base of loving friends that shower my life with good cheer. Even though I sometimes fool myself to think otherwise, I now know that all of these people truly care for me. I hope my oftentimes hermetic behavior does not fool anyone, because the time shared with loved ones is a primary input for my well-being. I love you all so much.

Thinking about the people that care brings me to a related topic, the people that fail to show up. In my short 21 years of life, I have already encountered too many undependable capricious individuals. As I endow trust easily, on several occasions my heart has suffered beatings from these peoples careless actions. Although I try to embrace pain as unavoidable and necessary, there is no need to wastefully invest energy in a unilateral relationship. I believe that if a person genuinely desires your company they will take the time to call, write, or show up. I consider a failure to contact or appear as an indication of disinterest. Thus, I am going to renew my resolution and avoid pursuing unreciprocative individuals. If those people later realize their manifestation of apathy, I will not discriminate and grant an open-armed reception.

Well, one week left..... Check next Sunday for my final thoughts on Korea.

Sending all of my love,


Anonymous said...

Wow. I can't even begin to say how crazy it is to read your blogs. SERIOUSLY! It's like you're taking the words right out of my mouth. We're DEFINITELY going to hang out and have a nice chat when you get back ;-) Until then, enjoy the rest of your stay in Korea.

Unknown said...

Holly! I'm so glad you're coming back! I never got to really say goodbye because I was in NY/ Europe at that time, but that's okay because now I can say hello again! :) Woot! I'll be around the majority of break and finals. Hope to c ya!